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I got stuck twice. The first time I was able to wriggle out. The second time I did not. But up until then it was fun.


Is there any chance of making the .p8 available to download? :) Great game! 

(1 edit)

Nice job on this.  I was drawn in by the color palette and you used the three colors to good effect, creating a clean map and guiding the player well. I liked that the broken computers added some personality, without being intrusive. I played to the finish and the game runs smoothly - nice!

Some feedback that I hope is helpful:  the music transitions felt a little bit abrupt, especially where the game called for passing back and forth between music regions. Perhaps when passing into an area with new music, allow the existing music to complete its current iteration before transitioning? Or maybe use fade-outs?

Nice work!

(1 edit)

Glad you liked it!  Thanks so much for the feedback. :)

You already had it covered -- I edited my comment above accordingly so as not to spoil! :)